Scrub FAQ

  • Operation Room Hallway, 2ndFloor of Barnicke Wing outside of OR
  • Family Birthing Centre, 1stFloor, Our Lady of Mercy (for students on FBC only)
  • Barnicke Wing Hallway, 1stFloor, 1B-211A (besides Dietitian Office)
  • Diagnostic Imaging, Ground Floor (for ER, Radiology Students only)
  • Operation Room Hallway, 2ndFloor of Barnicke Wing outside of OR
  • Family Birthing Centre, 1stFloor, Our Lady of Mercy (for students on FBC only)
  • Barnicke Wing Hallway, 1stFloor, 1B-211A (besides Dietitian Office)
  • Diagnostic Imaging, Ground Floor (for ER, Radiology Students only)

Contact the Student Centre at They can change your scrub size in the system.

Since the machine will always dispense a scrub top then a scrub bottom, you may miss or forget to take your bottoms. If you do so, place your top back into the receiver machine and get a full a set from the machine.

A sign will be posted on the front of the machine if it’s out of service. In that case, scrubs will be provided to your unit. Ask you supervisor where you can retrieve these scrubs. If the machine is broken and there is no sign up, please let the front desk know and they will contact Environmental Services to fix the machine and provide extra scrubs to the unit.