Welcome to St. Michael's Hospital!
We are thrilled that you are joining us for a clinical placement! Health Discipline and Administrative & Operational learners encompass a broad group of health care professionals. At St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, we are committed to providing an exceptional learning experience for all Health Discipline and Administrative & Operational students. We are dedicated to providing a safe, constructive and collaborative environment where the staff can role model, teach, coach, and guide these students. We are dedicated to treating all with respect, compassion and dignity and are guided by a commitment to excellence, continuous improvement and leadership.
before you start

Online Registration
Once your placement is confirmed by your educational institution, the Education Coordinator will send you a welcome email with instructions on how to register your placement in the Student Registration System (SRS).

Mandatory Modules
Ensure that you complete the e-learning modules and mandatory requirements found in the SRS in advance of your placement, as outlined by the Education Coordinator.

The Education Coordinator will email you an onboarding package before your first day of placement.
while on placement
On your first day

ID Badge
Where: 10 Peter Gilgan Tower (10-PGT).
Hours: open 24/7
You are not permitted to get your ID badge until you have received confirmation from the Student Centre. Without confirmation, you will be turned away.
Bring two pieces of photo identification; one must be a government issued photo ID in order to obtain a hospital badge.
Use Queen St. East Main Entrance (revolving door) next to Second Cup Coffee. Once inside the lobby, take the Donnelly South elevator to 10-Donnelly. Make a right, walk down the ramp towards the double doors, and use the Open Door Push Button. To your right is the ID Badge Station, Service Desk (Room 10-703) for your badge and username.

Scrubs/Lab coat
Where: Stores/Linen Department. Cardinal Carter Wing (take the south elevators) to B2.
Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm
$60 deposit for 2 pairs, payable by debit or credit. You are required to bring your valid ID badge in order to set up scrub access.

System & Email Access
Using a computer on site (either in your service area or the Student Centre), log in using the username provided with your ID badge.
The first time you sign in:
– Please use unity\yourusername
– Temporary password: UHTtempxxxx! (alphanumeric or numeric series on the back of your ID badge, top right corner). For some its 3 or 5 digits.
– Press Ctrl+Alt+Del on the keyboard and select Change Password
– Enter your own/new password. At least 8 characters or more with a #, captial letter, special character (it can’t be your name).
– Your new password will be used for everything (ex. Soarian Clinicals)
– No need to include unity\ for your applications and signing on to an SMH computer.
- To access your email on site, click here.
- To access applications, go to St. Michael’s intranet, click here
- For Clinical Systems e-learning, go to St. Michael’s intranet → My Work → Tools → Clinical systems e-learning
PLEASE NOTE: Your access will expire based on the end date of your placement/rotation(s). Access to clinical applications depends on the type of learner.

Remote Access
Once you’ve logged into your Unity Health email address, you will find an email from FortiToken. If your FortiToken email has expired (after 7 days) call Help Desk at 416-864-5751.
Follow the installation instructions provided to download the FortiToken application.
- Click here to access your email remotely
- Click here for remote Soarian access
- Please add unity\your username when signing in remotely
Resources for Clinical Instructors, Preceptors and Placement Supervisors
before you leave
ID Badge
Return to Security - main/ground floor of the Peter Gilgan Tower or to the Student Centre (Room 5-575, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute)
Student Centre Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm,
Friday 8:00am - 3:30pm
Scrubs/Lab coat Reimbursement
Return to the Stores/Linen Department, Cardinal Carter Wing (take the south elevators) to B2-Cardinal Carter
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm.
If you get a photo ID, your credits will need to be transferred onto the new photo ID.