TB Test - Tuberculosis – PPD/5TU (Mantoux)

All students are required to be immunized in accordance with the Public Hospitals Act 1990, Revised Statues of Ontario, Regulation 965 and the Ontario Medical Association/ Ontario Health Centre Association (OMA/ OHA) Communicable Disease Surveillance Protocols.

Documentation of a baseline two-step Mantoux skin test is required unless they have:

  •  Documented results of a prior two step test or
  •  Documentation of a negative PPD within the last 12 months or
  •  2 or more documented negative PPD at any time but the most recent was >12 months ago
    in which case a single test must be given.

Individuals who have received a BCG vaccination in the past are still required to meet the requirements as outlined above. Results must be measured in mm of induration. Pregnancy is NOT a contraindication for performance of a skin test. For positive skin test results a chest x-ray is required. The University/College must inform all positive skin test students to report symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis immediately to the University/College. Refer to the OHA/OMA Communicable Disease Surveillance for additional information.